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New Year, New You

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New Year, New You

At Mama Bamboo we are excited about what 2025 has in store, we have lots of great plans and new projects which we can’t wait to share with you. But the excitement for a new year isn’t always shared by everyone, entering a new year can be filled with trepidation and a sense of being overwhelmed. Here are a few tips of how to feel positive as we enter 2025!

  1. Little and Often is Often best

There is a sense in today’s society that we must do everything and achieve everything all at once, but we should remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day! Sometimes tackling projects, to do lists or tasks slowly and one at a time is more successful than trying to get a million things done in one day! Try writing a list, this could be on your phone, on a smart speaker or a good old-fashioned piece of paper and number them in priority so you tackle the most pressing first. This helps avoid procrastination and pushes you to get the most important things out the way early on. Once you have completed a task make sure you reward yourself (a cuppa and a biscuit are our reward of choice!) so often we fly onto the next one but make sure you take the time to appreciate the tasks you have achieved.

  1. Set realistic targets for the year

If you have bigger projects to overcome, then set yourself realistic targets. If it’s a practical project, there are lots of free project management tools available online for you to use. If it’s a personal journey, then lay out where you would like to see yourself in a years’ time and map out the steps you need to go through to get there. When our Founder and CEO Laura envisioned Mama Bamboo, she took several months to refine and research her business plan, setting out goals and targets for over a year ahead and 6 years later look at where we are now!

  1. Make Sure you look after yourself

As a parent we traditionally put others before ourselves, the monotony of parenting, working, home making can be very draining and demoralising at times. Make sure you carve out time for yourself, identify something simple that gives you pleasure, that could be a walk a day in the fresh air, it could be 20 minutes of exercise, it could be reading a book, or it could simply be taking a bath. Whilst all these things take time (which we know is the most precious commodity!) it is important you remember that looking after yourself is an essential ingredient to everything else and making time to achieve these things in your day is the best use of your time.

  1. Enjoy the little moments

As time slips though our fingers like sand, we can often overlook the little moments that make us smile but as we enter a new year learn how to embrace those times. It might be a silly giggle, a funny saying or a snuggly moment on the sofa, they are all valuable and should be cherished, instead of rushing to get the next thing done perhaps practice waiting in that moment for a little longer and embrace it more fully. 

  1. Look Forward not Back

As we leave another year behind it is important to remember that you cannot change the past, but you can alter the future. Don’t dwell on happenings of the past year, look ahead to 2025 with the excitement that it deserves and smile because ‘Life is a beautiful thing and there is so much to smile about’ – Marilyn Monroe 

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