Always read the labels, check the ingredients. I always like to buy organic food where I can and definitely will be for Jude who I’m going to start weaning very soon! Products where the packaging can be recycled are what I always opt for, cosmetics where you can order refills and use the original bottles/jars and clothing where the material is sustainable or made from recycled materials which it will say on the label. If I’m unsure about a company reading reviews from others always helps!
What are your top sustainable products?
I have a deodorant that is refillable which I love from Get Fussy. My Estrid razor which is a very sustainable company plus all packaging is 100% recyclable. I made the change a few years ago to re usable make up pads rather than the throw away cotton ones. With these you can just chuck in the washing machine and keep re using which I love.
Household wise I love naked sprout for their bamboo toilet roll and kitchen roll and method for cleaning products
And remembering to always take re usable shopping bags when doing the food shop - I always keep one under the pram and a few in my car so I don’t forget!
And of course Mama Bamboo for Jude with their wipes and nappies plus he’s been living in the baby grows that launched recently!
Did you always plan to bring your values to parenting?
Yes definitely and it’s great that me and Cameron have the same shared values so there is no conflict with how we want to parent when it comes to these values. Jude will obviously grow up to have his own opinions and views but as his parent all I can do is try and guide him to make better choices for himself and the planet.
What are your top tips for someone wanting to make more sustainable choices in their parenting journey?
I think before you become a parent it can feel very overwhelming and like you need millions and millions of things when actually you don’t. I think talking to friends with babies and finding out what you actually do need and remembering less is more is important. With myself and my friends once we are done with an item we give to another friend to use or if someone’s thinking of buying something but unsure and one of us has it letting the other borrow it to see if they really do need it. Don’t buy a million and one outfits because babies grow so quickly! My friend gave me a big bag of stuff she didn’t use for her little boy which was so kind and useful.
Another thing I think is great is that babies love the fresh air so choosing to walk places with your baby over getting in the car and actually fresh air is so needed for us tired parents too I feel!
When it comes to weaning I’ve read Joe wicks book wean in 15 which has some great tips on how to wean without lots of food waste such as freezing leftovers and small portions to begin with.
Lastly researching companies that you use for your baby and choosing kind ingredients and materials like mama bamboo nappies and wipes which are so kind and gentle on Jude’s skin and better for our planet.
Tiffany x